About Us When


The working hours of the High Commission of India on all working days are from 1000 hrs to 1700 hrs, Monday to Friday except closed holidays and where the High Commission of India is closed on rare occasions under the directives of the Government of India to mark events.

The Fax No is: 020 7836 4331.

E-mail: [email protected]

Emergency Services:

Only in case of a genuine emergency, like death or serious illness of immediate family, (subject to production of documentary evidence), please contact the High Commission of India, London on the following

Mobile Contact no’s:

Only in case of any emergency during out of office hours, members of public can contact the High Commission of India, London at 00 44 (0) 7768 765 035 / (0)7739363521

It may be noted that the above mobile numbers is dedicated for emergency cases only and not for non-emergency queries like general information, status enquiry, visa application etc, for which the normal Landline contact number i.e. 020-78369147 should be utilised during the times indicated thereof.