About Us Right to Information

1. In connection with the implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005 in the Missions and Posts abroad Mr. Harish Kumar, Second Secretary (Protocol & RTI) and Head of Chancery, Email [email protected]  is the Central Public Information Officer and Shri Sarvjeet Soodan, Counsellor (PD and Pol Mil), Email: [email protected]  is the Appellate Authority.

2. Information under the Right to Information Act-2005 can be provided to the citizens of India only.

3. Applications should be submitted along with documentary proof of Indian Citizenship (copy of the pages of the valid Indian passport showing personal particulars).

4. Applications seeking information under the Act may be sent along with the prescribed fee in Pounds (GBP), equivalent to Indian Rs. 10/- in Postal Order or Demand Draft in favour of the High Commission of India, London.

5. The Government of India (Department of Post) has launched the e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) service to facilitate purchase of Indian Postal order electronically for paying RTI fee/cost of information on-line through e-Post Office Portal (https:/www.epostoffice.gov.in) of the Department of Posts. The detailed instructions for using the e-IPO service for payment of RTI fee on-line are contained in DOP & T™s OM No. 1/44/2009-IR dated March 22, 2013. (Please click here to get the details. The facility of e-ipo has been extended to 176 Indian Missions/Posts abroad also vide Department of Personnel & Training OM NO 1/44/2009-IR dated October 7, 2013 (please click here to see the OM). Department of Posts has extended the eIPO service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. February 13, 2014 vide OM No. 1/44/2009-IR dated 13th February 2014 (Please click here to see the OM). The RTI applicants may, therefore, pay the RTI fee/cost of information, also on-line using the said e-IPO service, for seeking information from Ministries/Departments in India as well as from Indian Missions abroad.

Full text of the RTI Act 2005

Information about the high commission, required under section 4(1)(b) of the rti act, 2005