General information related to Indian Passport
Indian Passport Services
Please visit before filling the online application form for the latest guidelines and processes on a passport application
Question - How to apply for Passport Renewal/New Passport/Lost and Damaged Passport?
The Indian Passport/Indian Passport Surrender service has been outsourced to VFS (UK) and the application will have to be filled up online and submitted with one of its centres. Please click:
For more information, pl contact: [email protected]
Question - What is Re-issue of passport on expiry of full validity passport?
Full validity passports have a life of ten years (five years in the case of minors). The expiry date is always mentioned in all passports. A passport holder can apply for reissue of his/her passport one year before expiry of the passport or after final expiry of the passport.
Question - Can one apply for Machine Readable Passport of normal 10-years validity as a replacement of a 20-years validity passport or as a replacement of a hand written passport as this is causing difficulty in obtaining visa for many countries whose authorities are objecting to a 20-years validity passport or a hand written passport?
Yes. It is in the interest of the applicant to get a new 10-years Passport as the Government of India has dispensed with the issuance of 20-years Passport and hand written Passport in accordance with extant rules. Please follow the same procedure as is meant for re-issue of a passport on expiry of its validity.
Question – What should be the validity of a Passport on the date of travel?
Minimum 06 months.
Question - How can I check the status of my passport application?
Please send an email to the Public Response Team [email protected] if the application was submitted to HCI London.
Question - If I send an email asking about the status of my application – what information do I need to first provide?
When sending an email to the Public Response Team – please ensure that you include details such as your full name, the centre you have applied through, your passport number, ARN number or GBRL number, date of birth. This will help us to identify your case more quickly. Please note that further details may be asked from you through correspondence.
Question - What are the normal processing times?
Processing times vary for different categories.
Question - What passport services are offered by the HCI London via Indian Visa & Consular Application Centre in the UK?
The following services are offered:
• Re-issue/Renewal of passport on expiry of full validity passport or on exhaustion of pages or change of name/surname/signature or change/addition/deletion of name of spouse or change of address.
• Re-issue of short validity passport on emergency/not having valid visa.
• Issue of fresh passport in lieu of lost/stolen/damaged passport.
• Issue of first-time passport to a new born child.
Question - What procedure is to be followed for the issue of a first-time passport for a new born child in the UK?
The Birth of the child is required to be registered with the HCI London as a prelude to applying for an Indian Passport. An application for passport can be submitted after obtaining the Birth Registration certificate from HCI London or its respective consulates as per the jurisdiction.
Question - Till what time Passport could be submitted for reissue before the date of expiry?
The passport can be submitted for re-issue up to one year before the date of expiry.
Question - Can I apply for additional Pages in my passport/apply for additional Booklet?
There is no facility to add more pages or avail an additional booklet. Applicants are required to apply for a new passport due to exhaustion of pages.
Question - Can my child (minor) travel on my Passport?
All minors are required to have a separate passport. Old practice of including a child’s name in the Passport of either of the parents has been discontinued.
Question - Is it necessary for the parents to also sign the application meant for issue of a new passport for a new born child?
Yes. Both the parents need to sign to the effect that the particulars of the new born child mentioned in the application are correct and parents are responsible for its correctness.
Question - What are the requirements regarding appending the thumb impression of a new born child on the application form?
Yes. It is necessary. There is an earmarked space for the purpose. Left thumb impression for a male child and right thumb impression for a female child needs to be appended at this earmarked space.
Question - Can an applicant request for a change or amendment in any of the personal particulars in his/her passport at the time of re-issue of his/her passport?
Yes. Applicant, however, has to clearly mention at appropriate place that he/she is seeking an amendment in one or more personal particulars. It is relevant to mention that normally no amendments are permissible unless trustworthy documentary evidence is provided in support of the claimed change in status. Additionally, the High Commission and its respective Consulates may, in certain cases (such as a change in name) also like to know the purpose for seeking a change. For certain personal particulars, special documents are needed to show that the mandatory procedure has been followed. For details, please visit the relevant links.
Question - Can a UK address be reflected in an Indian passport?
Usually, an UK address is not permitted on the Indian passport. However, in exceptional circumstances only when the applicant proves that he/she does not have any permanent address in India and additionally, he/she has Indefinite Leave to Remain in UK, an applicant is permitted to reflect his/her UK address in his/her Indian passport. If necessary, the High Commission & its respective Consulates might ask for an affidavit from the applicant about him/her not having a permanent address in India.
Question - Is it mandatory to have Police Verification at the time of reissue of Passports.
Yes. As per the current guidelines it is mandatory to have Police Verification in all the cases of reissue of Passports. All applicants are therefore advised to furnish their full Indian address where the Police authorities might go for verification. Incorrect address may cause delay in the issuance of Passport.
Question - How to change my old photo/ incorporate my new photo to match my current appearance which has changed?
In this case, a fresh passport has to be issued to provide this service. The application form is the same as the general passport application form.
Question - Is there just one application form for all Passport services?
Question – What if I need a re-issue of passport or any passport service in an emergency?
You may submit an application under Tatkal Service. Processing time for a tatkal application is about 3-5 working days. Please note that tatkal application is not guaranteed as all applications are subject to checks and procedures.
Question - Which Passport services are covered under Tatkal Scheme?
Re-issue of Passport on expiry or up to one year before expiry (having a valid Visa), re-issue of Passport on exhaustion of pages and lost/stolen/damaged passports in respect of casual visitors to the UK subject to availability of the record of the current Passport in our database. Tatkal Service is rendered in emergent situations (family bereavement, medical emergency etc.) on production of supporting document (s), confirmed journey ticket’s copy and written request from the applicant explaining the emergency. Discretion rests with the High Commission and its respective Consulates. Applicants have to bring the proof of emergency along with other applicable documents. Processing time is 2-3 working days subject to production of proof of the emergency or if the Passport Officer is satisfied with the emergency situation during the interview with the applicant.
Question - Should the name in Visa document/sticker or Residence Permit match with that in the Passport?
Yes. Otherwise, a short validity Passport would be issued in cases where there are minor differences in the name on the Passport and name on Visa/Residence Permit. Normal validity passports will be issued only after the applicant furnishes correct documents.
Question - Is it true that Passport would not be issued if there is a major difference in the name on the Passport and the name on Visa/Residence Permit?
Yes. If this is the case, then the applicant would be asked to rectify/clarify the anomaly. Any further service would be extended only after the rectification/clarification.
Question - Which documents are accepted as Proof of Identity/Nationality (if required)?
Any one or more of the following documents can be produced:
(a) Copy of Indian Passport
(b) Damaged Passport in original
(c) Photo Identity Cards issued in India such as Driving License, Election ID Card, Ration Card or PAN Card, Aadhaar Card,
(d) Letter from employer certifying applicant's identity
(e) Letter of introduction from two Indian nationals based in the UK
(f) For students, a Certificate issued by the concerned educational/training institution; and
(g) For short term visitors/tourists to the UK documents such as air tickets, boarding passes, itinerary and copy of Visa.
Question - Do photocopies of original documents need to be attested by the applicant?
Yes. All original documents must be accompanied by self-attested photocopies. The original documents should be presented for scrutiny at the time of submission of application or sent by post if the application is sent by post.
Question - What is the validity of a passport?
A new Passport is renewed when the old passport has completed its 10-year validity (for Adults and above 15 years) and 5-year validity (for Minors: under 15 years) from the date of issue or where a new booklet is necessitated on account of change in basic particulars like name, appearance, seeking amendment in date of birth etc. or when all the pages have been used.
Question - Can I retain my Indian passport for travel after acquiring a foreign nationality?
On acquiring a foreign nationality, the Indian passport should be surrendered at the nearest Indian Visa & Consular Application Centre. It will be then returned to the holder after cancellation. Use of Indian Passport for travel to India after acquiring any foreign nationality is an offence to be prosecuted under Passport Act 1967. After acquiring a foreign citizenship, you do not remain an Indian citizen and need an Indian visa to visit India.
Question - What is a Short Validity Passport (SVP) and under what circumstances such a passport is re-issued?
An SVP is often issued directly by the High Commission of India or its respective Consulates, to meet exigencies especially when certain requirements for the issue of full validity passports have not been met by an applicant at the first instance. Usually, an SVP is issued for a period ranging from six months to two years. For instance, SVPs are often issued to applicants whose Indian nationality has been established beyond doubt but have no valid landing rights/stay permit and yet their circumstances strongly indicate the possibility of obtaining such landing rights/stay permit from the competent UK authorities. Besides facilitating such Indian nationals in obtaining landing rights/stay permits in the UK, short validity passports are also issued to Indian nationals under certain other circumstances to facilitate their journey to India.
Question - How to avail the service of re-issue of Short Validity Passport (SVP) to Full Validity Passport (FVP)?
Please follow the same procedure as is meant for re-issue of a passport on expiry of its validity. The re-issue of such short validity passports is dependent upon the applicant having used the period of validity of their passport in meeting the conditions that could not be met at the time of issue of SVP. For example, an SVP issued in anticipation of a positive police verification report from India is upgradable to FVP on receipt of such report. Another example could be an SVP issued to facilitate grant of valid visa/stay rights by competent UK authorities is convertible to FVP when such rights are obtained by the applicant.
Question - Is it essential to have valid visa/stay rights in the UK to apply for a replacement passport in lieu of a lost/stolen or damaged one?
This is an essential requirement depending upon the circumstances of each individual case. An applicant is required to satisfactorily convince the passport officer that grant of an SVP would facilitate obtaining of landing permit/ stay rights in the UK.
Question - How much time would it take to get a replacement passport in lieu of a lost passport?
Issuing replacement passports in lieu of lost passports would take different time periods as situations vary widely. It is difficult to spell out a standard time norm for this service. Normally, in cases in which the photocopy of the lost passport or relevant details of the lost passport are available and readily traceable in the database of the High Commission and its respective Consulates, the time taken to replace the passports could be 2-3 weeks. Other cases in which such details are unavailable or are not readily authenticated against a check of records in our database, more time would be required. In latter cases, often the personal particulars including the photograph of the applicant is sent to the original passport issuing authority in India or abroad for authentication of the lost passport particulars. Such cases, needless to say, would take more time as it requires verification by police. Applicants should accordingly calculate their own time norm before enquiring about the status of their pending applications.
Question - What if the local UK Police are not registering the loss of the Indian passport?
A self-certified statement detailing the date and time and the name of Police Station visited which refused such registration may be furnished. The High Commission & its respective Consulates would accept such statements in lieu of a police report. However, Police reports are available now.
Question - What procedure is to be followed and documents enclosed with the application to obtain a fresh passport in lieu of a damaged passport?
The procedure followed in this case by and large is the same as the one followed in case of procedure meant for issue of a replacement passport in lieu of a lost/stolen passport. The only difference being that in damaged passport cases, the applicants are not required to lodge a police report.
Question - How can I apply for an Emergency Certificate (EC) or Travel Document/Voluntary Departure?
The application form is the same form meant for passport services. The procedure followed is the same as the one meant for issue of a new passport in lieu of lost/stolen/damaged passport, for details visit link:
Question - Is my passport fee refundable in case I choose to back out from my application?
Fees once paid are not refundable.
Question – What are the current rules regarding extension of Passport facilities to the asylum seekers and their families.
In relaxation of the existing rules, the Government of India has decided to extend passport facilities to all the asylum seekers who have applied for the asylum (pending or rejected or accepted) as long as he or she has not acquired a foreign passport/citizenship. All concerned persons are, therefore, requested to apply for the passport as per the established procedure i.e. fill up the online application, submit the same to VFS, along with all documents & requisite fee, etc.
Question – What are the current rules regarding extension of Passport facilities to those persons who have not yet got the stay permit/visa or visa is expired or are overstaying their visa.
All such persons are advised to apply for the passport as per the established procedure i.e. fill up the online application, submit the same to VFS, along with all documents & requisite fee, etc.
Question: What documents are needed for change in name.
For change of name, the applicant (both male and female) should furnish: (i) clippings of two local newspapers or the Gazette notification of the concerned State Government (in India), as the case may be; (ii) at least two public/school documents (like, PAN, Aadhar, Voter ID, driving licence, BRP, ID of School/College, etc) issued (in India or the UK) in the desired/ applied changed name to ascertain that the applicant has actually changed his name and iii) name change deed;
Question: For an emergency, where to contact:
For any Emergency, kindly contact:
Public Response Unit, High Commission of India, London
E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected] (pl don't mail to both ids).
Emails should clearly mention 1) name; 2) passport no. ; 3) Nationality; 4) Address; Email and phone no. 5) Emergency Services sought; 6) Grounds of seeking emergency services in detail along with documents (if any)