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Sealed quotations are invited for 'contract' services for five (5) full-time unarmed Security Guards for providing security at the High Commission of India, London, India House, Aldwych, London.   Detailed Scope of Work, Qualification Standards and other details are available at www.hcilondon.gov.in and http://eprocure.gov.in/cppp under the head 'Tenders'


The last date for receipt of bids is 15 March 2023.


High Commission of India



Subject:      Tender Notice - Invitation for bids for 'contract services for 5 unarmed Security Guards for providing security at the High Commission of India, India House, Aldwych, London’


The High Commission of India, London (hereinafter referred to as HCI) invites sealed tenders from professional and reputed security companies/firms for providing contract services for 5(Five) full-time unarmed Security Guards (04 Male + 01 Female) for providing security at HCI, India House, Aldwych, London, WC2B 4NA.


  1. Tenders are invited under ‘two bid’ systems viz. separate Technical Bid and Financial Bid from reputed and experienced firms having regular offices preferably in London.


  1. The tender document can be downloaded from the following websites www.hcilondon.gov.inwww.http://eprocure gov.in/cppp   Bidders are requested to carefully read through the terms and conditions contained in the bid document.


  1. The Tenders should be submitted in two sealed envelopes, as below:


(a)  The first sealed envelope superscripted  "Technical Bid" should contain   details of the technical capabilities of the firm (with documentary evidence) as per section – IV below.


(b)  The second sealed envelope superscripted "Financial Bid" should contain rates only for the contract as per section V of the Tender Document.


(c)  The above-stated two sealed covers should be placed together in one larger sealed envelope, superscripted "Tender for Contract Services for Security Guards, 2023" addressed to the Head of Chancery, High Commission of      India, India House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4NA. This must reach on or     before 15 March 2023 by Registered Post  or may be handed over, against proper receipt, to The Head of Chancery, High Commission of India, India House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4NA.


(d)  Envelopes should indicate the name and address of the Tenderer to identify the bid and to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared ‘late’ or ‘rejected’. Offers received through Fax/E-mail or open letter shall be ignored. HCI will not be responsible for any postal delay.


(e)  The Tenderer should submit a certificate along with the tender, confirming that their firm would provide a prescribed 5% of the annual contract value as a security deposit in the form of a demand draft drawn on any Commercial Bank, or a Bank Guarantee, in favour of High Commission of India, London immediately once the tender is awarded. Failing this, the tender may be     awarded to any other bidder. The certificate should have the signature of an authorized signatory of the service provider company. The security firm   awarded the contract must furnish a Performance Guarantee for an amount of 5% of the annual contract value at the time of award of the contract, through the issue of a Demand Draft in favour of the High Commission of    India, London or in the form of a Bank Guarantee. The Performance Guarantee would remain valid for the entire duration of the contract, plus three months after the completion of the contract.


(f) All quotations must be neatly typed/computer printed. A handwritten offer will be rejected. All quotations should have the date and signature of the      authorised signatory of the service provider company, with the company’s official seal or stamp.  


(g) HCI will not  compensate for any expense or losses which may be incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation and submission of his Tender.


  1. The contract would be valid for two years and could be extended by HCI for one more year or until terminated by HCI with 01(one) month prior notice, at the same cost, terms and conditions, depending upon the performance of the company


  1.     Exit Clause: The High Commission of India, London reserves the right to revoke the contract at any time during the contract period, without citing any reason, by giving one-month advance notice to revoke the contract.


  1. After examining the technical bids of all the quotations received, and being fully satisfied based on the above criteria, security firms will be shortlisted. Financial bids of only those shortlisted firms will thereafter be opened.High Commission reserves the right to disqualify any security firm during Technical Evaluation.


  1. HCI reserves the right to amend any of the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Document or reject any, or all, applications/offers without giving any notice or assigning any reason thereof. The decision of HCI in this regard shall be final and binding upon the bidders.


  1. Important dates in the process are as under:


Sl No.

Key Event



Date of publication of bids

23 February, 2023


Last date of submission of bids

15 March,  2023


Date of opening of Technical Bids (Participant bidders may wish to be present)

17 March  2023 at 1500 hrs.


Venue for pre-bid and opening of bids

Committee Hall, 1st Floor, India House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4NA


  1. All bidders are requested to read and understand the terms and conditions of the contract before submitting their bids. No change or violation of the aforementioned terms and conditions is permissible once the quotation is accepted by HCI.


  1. For any tender-related inquiry/clarification/site visit, please contact the India House Security Office via email- [email protected]



(Head of Chancery)


Public Notices